Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I have always been one of those people who is always cold. Don't know why...

In Texas Air Conditioning was practically the bane of my existence. It didn't seem to matter what the temperature outside was, the air conditioning was always too cold. Here in California, it's exact the opposite. I would swear that people here don't believe in using the AC at all. I understand that it's not as hot, but it still gets over 80 - which is my high temp tolerance.

Still no AC.

I started working this last week at a company in Carson. They have AC, but it doesn't really get cooler inside than it does outside. In Texas, people would keep their air conditioning running at 75 degrees, which in the summer could be as much as 35 degrees below what the outside temperature was. That's what I'm accustom to. Here, some buildings seem to be lucky to have AC.

I feel like my internal thermostat is broken.

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