Monday, July 05, 2004

I live in an apartment building at the bottom of the Hollywood Hills, a few blocks from the Hollywood Bowl. Our neighbor across the hall, who we're sort becoming friends with, threw a party that lasted all day. When the sun went down, we all headed up to the roof of the building to check out the displays. We could see the fireworks from all the surrounding little cities on the way down to the coast. It was amazing! It was like a show across southern Cali just for us. The Hollywood bowl had a fireworks display, and it was neat to get to watch it closely, but it didn't last for very long.

I ca't tell you how special I thought it was to see s many people celebrating our country at the same time. There were literally millions of people staring at the sky at the same, and I was able to see most of what everyone else saw. It was beauiful!!!!!!!!

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