Friday, March 17, 2006

Long time no post...

So the Roomie is moving out. He'll be leaving on April 28th to go back to Texas.

What a shame, he's doing so well here. He has a great job playing video games for a living. I know that going back to Austin is nothing trouble for him and extra drama.

He's like so many people from Austin who just can't stay away. No matter how far away they go, and no matter how long they are gone, they are drawn back to Austin.

We've been here just over 2 years now. Things have been bad and life has been good. I will miss him and his doggie, but that's how the Roomie always has been. He moved out to California for a few months right after he and his ex-wife got married about 9 years ago. They came back to Austin.

The SO and I didn't speak to to him for almost 2 years because of the psycho bitch he married.

He and his wife got divorced.

He was alone in Austin for about a year before he packed his things and his doggie and moved to Modesto, CA with his parents. The Roomie was in Modesto for about a year before he decided that he had to come back to Austin. He lived with us for 2 1/2 years before we all moved here.

I might have the timing wrong, I don't think that adds up, but that's what I remember.

Ostensibly, the reason he's moving back is to help run a goat farm. PFHT :P He's said he's wanted a goat ranch for almost a decade now but never got around to it. I'm sure he just wants to go back and wallow in "the good old days" of his Austin memories .

I also ponder how much of his decision to move back to the shit hole is due to his ex wife (who he never got over) marrying another friend of ours?

How lame.
How overly dramatic.
How High School.

Now I'll have an extra bedroom where I can keep my craft things and the SO can doing his toy modeling. No more doggie dumping out my beads because he wants attention, no more doggie stepping all over my sewing patterns when I'm trying to make something. No more using the keyboard tray of my computer desk as a sewing table to keep the puppy out of my face.

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